The Heart of the Goddess
The journey into the Heart of the Goddess
Is not a sober intellectual affair
It’s a journey of total and ecstatic embodiment
It’s a journey of dissolving in love
And emerging to share that love with the whole creation
Because when you discover Her
Nothing is left out
Every part of your being…mind, body, heart, soul
Is immersed in bliss consciousness
So if you’d rather a rational, intellectual path of reason and understanding
Turn away now
She takes reason and turns it upside down
Until there is nothing left to argue about or grasp or hold
She takes everything until
All that is remains is the original essence of You
Yes You, living in the fullness of your holy incarnation
Yes You, Beloved.
Never forget you are a direct manifestation of Her
And by being here fully, open and available to the Mystery
You are showering infinite blessings on us all.