This gift from Amma touches me beyond words and I wanted to share it here as an invitation to experience the living transmission of The Divine Mother.
Abheesta Varadayike
“O Kamalambike (Divine Mother),
Bestower of all desired boons,
Giver of Supreme Knowledge,
Arbiter of my destiny - come,
Let me welcome You,
Indweller of my heart.
Right from the earliest days,
As far back as my memory takes me,
I felt that I was the flower
That was offered for Your worship.
I looked for You in the depth of my soul
By singing a thousand hymns of devotion,
And my mind became totally immersed in You.
Arbiter of my destiny - come,
Let me welcome You,
Indweller of my heart.
I was a lonely traveller on the ecstatic path of Bhakti,
And my heart blossomed,
I saw Your face in each flower that my eyes took in,
In each leaf,
And I stood there wonder-struck,
Totally oblivious of anything else in the Universe.
O Kamalambike (Divine Mother),
Bestower of all desired boons,
Giver of Supreme Knowledge,
Arbiter of my destiny - come,
Let me welcome You,
Indweller of my heart.”