
I had to dive deep within

I had to leave the world

I had to follow the Silence of His Call

I had to go where no one wants to go

Totally alone

With no-thing to hold

No master, no teacher, no concept, no creation, no image, no purpose, no hope, no faith

I had to leave it all

And let myself be taken

By the Silence

Knowing I could do nothing

But open myself to that surrender

Feeling with every cell of my being

The release of lifetimes spent in resistance

Feeling the release of separation

As I dissolved into That

Which has no name or form,

That which takes us choicelessly

Beyond all limitation

That which is closer than closer

The very Heart of our own self

The most simple, pure, untouched

Here, there and everywhere

All pervading as the essence of Being

That which takes care of everything

Is Grace Alone

And when you drink Her nectar

You will just let go and melt into oneness

Where every part of your being is integrated and whole

And you will experience the greatest miracle

Of simply being. Just as you are.


The Heart of the Goddess

