The Heart of Service
Your service is you. This may sound overly simple, but if you look to your heart you may find it feels true. Because when you look to your heart, and just for an instant drop everything you’ve ever heard or been told, you will find the One shining Presence that is here unconditionally. And that One shines as you and through you and has made you so complete and full and perfect as an expression of love that it’s actually impossible to capture in words how phenomenal this love is. Because That One which we all are in Truth had a specific intention to create you, and so in being absolutely yourself in the most profound way, you are serving all beings. And for some of us the life will be very dynamic and appear very outwardly active, and for some of us it will be very quiet and introverted, and for many of us there will be a dance between both throughout the seasons of our lives. However it is for you, trust, trust, trust…no matter how it appears in the world. There is so much emphasis on action and service and this is good, this is beautiful, but it’s the little things that matter, those tiny things that we barely even notice…like smiling at a neighbour, holding the door open for someone, cooking a meal for a loved one, touching a tree, being present to mother earth beneath our feet. This is service. And maybe some beings will be a vessel for impressive acts like going to war zones, but the tiny things which you do without even thinking are just as important. Please never forget this.
There is so much conditioning around service and it is deeply rooted in the belief that we are not enough as we are. This conditioning creates an enormous sense of burden and pressure on the nervous system. It creates a continual sense of disease and dissatisfaction with the moment because we always feel we should be doing more. There may be times when life is actually inviting us to take action in the line of a particular service and it may not be comfortable, but life will support this and you will have the energy and inspiration to do what needs to be done. But if you feel anxious, lost, afraid or like you are not enough as you are, I invite you to take this moment, to breathe deep and read these words slowly…
“Be still and know that I am God”
The more quiet we become the more we feel the integrity of being. And then action naturally flows from here. It is spontaneous. It is selfless. You feel the breath of God moving through you and guiding you wherever you go. And when the attention is orientated on That, everything you do is a blessing. Whether you work in an office, a supermarket, a hospital or whether you’re an artist or a musician… it does not matter what it is…wherever you are, whatever you do is a blessing to all of creation.