The Nectar of Silence
These last months, I have been drawn deeper deeper into That which is unnameable. That Silence which permeates everything. Here, I feel the play of all eternity emerging from the source of nothing. Here, the Stillness of the Great Beloved breaks me open wider and wide. It brings me to my knees, dissolving every last drop of separation in the fire of love.
When I listen deep into the Heart of the Silence, I hear the call of the Divine Mother…a gentle hum to be with Her, to listen and learn from Her, not as a separate entity out there but as my own body, my own breath. And as I sit, the energy rocks back and forth, revealing the immensity of Her mighty Heart that keeps beating for all beings. Each day, I walk with her, sit with her, listen to her Silence. I touch the trees, I feel the energy flow back and forth. I receive the nectar of totality and my body is revitalised by this ancient Silence it knows and loves.
This Silent field of pure consciousness is the raw reality of our naked awareness. It is fully present, always here, for all beings. But we miss it again and again. We spend our lives pushing on, chasing illusions of power both spiritual and material, which only causes further suffering... But if we stop, really stop for one instant, putting everything down, and listen to that Silence, we will be drawn deep into the Heart of totality. And right here is bliss, peace and joy, but on the way we have to meet the terror and the nightmare. We have to meet it and go through it and see it for what it is. And this alchemical process is fuelled by the nectar of silence that transforms all energy. And when you emerge, “you” will not be the same. Life will no longer be the same, because every breath of your living presence will be infused with compassion and wherever you go you will shine the light of peace, truth and beauty without preaching. True power does not need to preach or tell people what they should do. True power sets everything free. True power is free of all shoulds. True power is life intelligence acting in service of all beings. We are all guided by the One. But it takes immense courage, devotion and humility to return to the root of your being again and again.
Look to your Heart. Find the One. Live from that fulfilment and you will naturally share it wherever you are, wherever you go.