Surrender in Action

Let’s pray together. Let’s rest inside the heart of love and learn how to listen… to the earth…our mother.

What does She truly need? What does a child in a war torn country need? What does a single mother need? What does a man who kills someone really need? We all think we know what’s best but really nobody knows. It’s heartbreaking and it hurts but this all requires a deep surrender into not knowing how things should be. Most of us can see what’s not working…old structures are crumbling. But the human heart is pure intelligence and when we come together in meditation or prayer we go deep into the collective intelligence, we can discover new ways of functioning that serve all living beings. It can be simple like that if we all want it, to hold hands and walk together across the threshold. To say no to injustice through the power of our presence and how we live each moment.

Taking absolute responsibility for our lives is surrender in action. This is the integrity of being. And we access it through the depth of silence, through our heartfelt prayers that send out waves of light and healing vibration. Even science can prove that. This isn’t preaching, it’s common sense.

We don’t need to wait for a better experience, a better spiritual teacher or a better government to lead the way. The time is now to realise our true power comes from God…the source…our radiant Self. And when we turn towards that light anything is possible. Miracles happen.


Redemptive Love


Christ Consciousness