Christ Consciousness

“I am the way, the light and the life.

Love is my original name

My innocence heals me
I am nothing and everything
I am a wild fire raging
I am Stillness itself
Call me by any name
I am the Heart of your Heart

Come to take you home.”

Christ. The Heart inside all Hearts. Christ. The essence of Life in its full glory. Who will ever understand the glory of His unconditional Love. We cannot understand. It can only be felt in the heart. In our bodies. In our blood and bones. It can be felt in every experience that enters our lives and touches us and changes us and carries us home.

Christ Consciousness is our own Self. Yeshua was the man who embodied the living Christ. As a man, he emerged as a deeply powerful symbol of our full potential to live as love. He is compassion itself. He is mercy. And when you call His Name He will come to you and be as real and alive as any other person you see or meet.

If you want to feel Him, call to Him in your Heart and He will come and hold your hand and look you in the eyes. With this glance He will utterly transform your being and remind you that you are more beautiful than words could ever capture. His presence will melt you open and restore you and renew you. Just by uttering the holy name of Christ you invoke the presence of His Being. It is a sacred mantra as powerful as Krishna or Shiva or Ram. You can invoke His name any time any where and you will feel his grace descend and shower you with blessings beyond your wildest dreams. This is the power of Christ. And this power remains accessible to all beings as the living embodiment of God’s Love on Earth.

The resurrection takes place inside all of us when separation dissolves and we find ourselves reborn as eternal life. Jesus, just like the Buddha, Babaji, Amma, Anandamyi Ma and many others, have paved the way for all of humanity to experience the ecstatic remembrance of our true nature while alive in the human body. The joy, beauty and purity of His Being was so powerful that it can still be felt now. He shows us what is possible. He reminds us of our birthright. To discover the kingdom of heaven here and now. Not in the future. Not when we have ascended. But right here and now it is available when we look within and discover we are one with God itself. We are not separate. Life is meant to be lived in blissful union with our highest joy. And the great Ones have laid the path before us to discover our divine inheritance.


Surrender in Action


Let yourself Receive