There's a call from deep within
Can you hear it?
Can you feel it?
when you listen
to the quiet night
perhaps you ignore it
perhaps you distract yourself from it
perhaps you keep yourself busy
filling and filling the quiet space
with more doing
until one day
the doing is taken from you
just like that
in a split second
something unexpected happens
it could be loss of a loved one, a job, relationship, your health, money, home
whatever it is there's a great crack through your heart
and it aches
because the pain is so great
and you cannot go on living the way you have done
so you fall to your knees in surrender
and the quiet presence you ignored for so long
answers with everything you will ever need
the unconditionally loving Silence
that is beyond any word, name, or form
this divine presence that is closer than close
more intimate than your own breath
this One that has always been Here
this One that calls to you
wants you
all of you
to come Home
and will do everything
to show you
the truth of who you are
is eternal
and it shines from your Heart
as this great intelligence
drawing in everything you need
to live the life you were born to live
a life that you love and cherish
as the greatest gift.