Healing your heart
Healing is opening to the mystery of life.
Healing is a total surrender.
Healing is dissolving all sense of separation into the Silent ocean of Being.
It is not about curing or fixing or getting rid of something we perceive to be wrong. The belief that something is wrong comes from the sense of separation or limitation.
Healing takes this belief and melts it in the fire of love.
Healing is not something that is coming from outside of us. It rises from the heart. It is a gift we give to ourselves. Nobody can give you anything you don't already have. But there is phenomenal power in meeting and sharing our experiences.
We come as we are. Tender, naked, vulnerable, not knowing anything. And this simple willingness to say I don't know and mean it with your whole being is the beginning of healing. It is the glimmer of awakening.
When you really don't know, that's right where you are meant to be. Falling to your knees, deeply surrendering to the majesty of life, letting life take you and show you something that you could never have imagined was possible. This is the true miracle. This is the pure essence of Grace which pours into us and floods us with the healing beauty of life and reminds us that we are not separate from life...we are life itself.